Local Support Groups

Presented by the Central Coast Parkinson Association
What is a Support Group?

A Support Group offers information through meetings, newsletters, emails, speakers, and printed material.
At meetings, we share the latest information and learn how others have coped so that we can make our lives better. At times we will have speakers or other informational meetings.
We provide information to the community through our webpage and Facebook page.
We encourage optimism and hope by providing social contacts and sharing experiences.
Our goal is to empower you to get better and stay better and provide support along your journey with Parkinson’s Disease.
People with Parkinson’s Disease, their Care Partners, friends, and health professionals are all welcome to attend any of our Support Group meetings.
Caregiver Support Groups
Parkinson’s Disease affects not only the person with the diagnosis, but their family, friends, and co-workers as well. Care Partners/Caregivers have needs too! Caregiver support is available online through the Coast Caregiver Resource Center and in person through Paso Robles Physical Therapy. Details are listed below.

COVID-19 Information

Although the state mask mandate has ended, we encourage everyone to continue to stay as safe and use good judgement for mask wearing when in crowded or indoor settings.

State order continues to require universal masking in healthcare, school, and other high-risk settings. After March 11, 2022, the universal masking requirement for K-12 and Childcare settings will terminate. CDPH strongly recommends that individuals in these settings continue to mask in indoor settings when the universal masking requirement lifts.

We strongly encourage people to follow the CDC recommendations for COVID Vaccines and Booster shots.  Healthcare providers are required to be vaccinated.
PLEASE Click on the links below for additional public health information.
SLO Mask info